Private Equity

Guide to Hedge Fund Internships

Your Essential Guide to Hedge Fund Internships

‘A monkey could do this job’. No, not the job of being an investor at a hedge fund or doing hedge fund internships, but the job of being a junior analyst at one of the big banks on Wall Street. That’s what an Ivy League graduate notoriously said. Evidently, he left the entire banking and investment world in an uproar, as who could have been so bold as to utter this? However, as it turns out, he might have been ...

How to Become a Hedge Fund Analyst

A Complete Guide on How to Become a Hedge Fund Analyst

In this post, I’m going to cover how to become a hedge fund analyst. In my previous article, I covered the Investment Banking Analyst’s role and responsibilities. Let’s begin with the definition of a hedge fund. What Is Hedge Fund? Hedge Fund is the pooling of investments from high net worth individuals. These funds invest in equities, bonds, and commodities. The funds use investment strategies as long, short, leverage and derivative positions. They invest in local as well as international ...

How to Become a Private Equity Analyst

How to Become a Private Equity Analyst

A Private Equity Analyst or PE Analyst is a person who does research and analysis of private companies. Financial modeling techniques are used by the analyst to determine the merits and demerits of investing in the stock of a certain private company. As the term implies, a private equity analyst works with private equity firms. These private equity firms manage investment funds or portfolios of private companies. They perform due diligence, financial modeling, financial analysis, and valuation of the companies ...

Private Equity Internship

How to Find Private Equity Internships the Right Way?

The best way to start a career in any field is by joining a firm as an intern. You can concentrate on learning during internships without thinking of money as a reason to work. You should start your internship as a student and get properly trained by the time you are ready for a real job. In this article, I will tell you all that you need to know about getting private equity internships. What Is Private equity? Private equity ...