Equity Research

How to do equity research

How To Do Equity Research: An Actionable Guide

Are you ready to learn how to do equity research? Here is the truth.  Whether you are a finance student, a career switcher, or an aspiring analyst, mastering equity research is your ticket to financial expertise and success.  In this guide, you will learn the actionable tips to do equity research. But where do you start, and how do you navigate this complex field of equity research? It does not happen overnight, and it demands dedication, effort, and, most importantly, ...

Equity research

Equity Research Course: 10+ Lessons | Download XLS Free

One of the most exciting careers in corporate finance now is equity research. Here’s the complete equity research course for you. But how do you become one? That’s our main agenda here. Before we dig deeper, let’s start with what equity research is. What Is Equity Research? Equity research is the process of determining the fair value of publicly listed stocks to determine if they are overpriced or underpriced. That’s why companies like Goldman Sachs have equity research departments. Research ...

Equity Research Interview Questions (Top 50 With Answers)

Equity Research Interview Questions (Top 50 With Answers)

After you get hired, it’s now time to face the equity research interviews. Usually, it has four parts: Usually, the fourth part is one of the difficult ones. I’m here to prepare you for it. Here are the 50 Equity Research interview questions you must get ready for. Technical Equity Research Interview Questions and Answers Q.1: What is contained in an Equity Research Report? An equity research report is a recommendation to clients which convince them to either BUY, SELL ...

How to Get Into Equity Research

Equity Research Careers Guide – The Best Career Guide

I know why you clicked on this article. 2023 was a defining year for what we like to call ‘equity research.’ Everyone from The Economist to Bloomberg to Reuters spoke about a decline in this branch of the finance business, and some even used words like ‘bloody,’ which are sure to scare you. Provided you are weaker of heart, of course. Different articles noisily clamoured about the disappearance of ‘sell-side analysts,’ and that is enough to scare away anyone who ...

The Advanced Guide to Equity Research Report Writing

Here’s How to Write an Equity Research Report: The Best Guide

Equity Research is a rewarding career. To keep up, you need a strong foundation with the judgment to think critically, act independently, and be relentlessly analytical. That’s why I wrote this guide — to empower you with the equity research(ER) report writing skills to stay ahead in the equity research career. There is almost NO guide available that teaches you how to write an equity research report. From textbooks to online video tutorials, you can check and let me know if ...

How Different Is It Working as an Equity Research Analyst and an Investment Banking Analyst

Equity Research vs Investment Banking: Key Differences Guide

Many times young students, who are following the finance stream, are not really sure what they actually want to do in future. They see their friends or seniors following successful high paying professions in equity research, private equity analyst, financial research, investment banking, hedge fund manager, etc. Many times these youngsters are not sure what exactly they have to do if they choose any of the above professional careers. In fact just last week one of my students from the ...

Your Guide to Crack Investment Banking Interview

How to Become an Equity Research Analyst: A Complete Guide

I’ve already written more than 10 articles on careers in equity research analysis.  But, I want you to know how to become an equity research analyst. So, this guide is dedicated to you, my dear friend. Make use of this guide and excel as an equity research analyst. 1. Profiling an Equity Research Analyst a. Who is an equity analyst? An equity analyst is someone who studies and analyzes financial information and trends for an organization or an industry. An ...

Commercial Banking to Investment Banking

How to Shift from Commercial Banking to Investment Banking

In this post, I will guide you to make a smooth shift from commercial banking to investment banking. The fields of commercial banking and investment banking are poles apart. The main agenda of commercial banks is to manage public money deposits such as savings accounts, fixed deposits, and checking accounts. The commercial banks issue loans to the public and earn from the interest with which loans are issued. They are governed by federal authorities as is established in all countries. ...

How to Do Industry Analysis

How to Do Industry Analysis: Follow this 6-Step Process Model

In my last article, I covered how to predict the earnings of a company and today I am going to write about how to do industry analysis. The Need for Industry Analysis Industry analysis is an essential responsibility for an equity research analyst. As an equity research analyst, you need to analyze a particular industry, see its past trends, demand-supply mechanics, and future outlook. The industry analysis report sheds light on the economic health of the company, underlining the understanding ...

Equity Value Vs Enterprise Value

Equity Value Vs Enterprise Value: The Best Comparative Guide

Are you new to investing or possibly a veteran investor using valuation techniques? In either case, you may have noticed that there are two different numbers (Equity Value Vs Enterprise Value) used to calculate the total value of a company – the Equity Value (or market capitalization) and the Enterprise Value. While both serve the purpose of putting a value on the company, they are calculated differently and give you a slightly different picture of the company’s share price, tag, ...