Growth Equity Modeling

Growth Equity Modeling-The Best Guide

Have you heard of growth equity modeling but have no idea what it means? Do not worry. I have got you covered. In this guide, you will get all the information you need. Hang on tight till the end. Key Takeaways of Growth Equity Modeling Here is the quick summary of the key points: Growth Equity Modeling- Meaning Growth Equity Modeling Growth equity modeling involves analyzing and projecting the financial performance of a company, particularly focusing on firms with strong ...

Financial Analyst vs Investment Banker

Financial Analyst vs Investment Banker – A Comparative Guide

Are you passionate about the finance industry and considering a finance career as a financial analyst or an investment banker? You must explore the key differences between these two to make an informed choice. In this comparative guide, you will learn the significant differences between financial analysts and investment bankers regarding roles, job responsibilities, required education, skills necessary, and available growth potentials. Considering all factors, you should have enough knowledge to create a solid foundation on which path fits your goals best! Get ready for ...

Financial analyst interview questions

Financial Analyst Interview Questions and Answers: A Complete Guide

So you’ve been booked for an interview session.  Congratulations! You’re one step ahead in the right direction to secure that dream job—as a financial analyst! But one thing stops you—your joy is short-lived because you’re not sure how to present yourself before that hiring panel and answer their questions right. Answering interview questions and pitching have something in common—they all need to convince and persuade people to act in favor of the respondent. A winning pitch starts with a winning ...

How to Become a Financial Analyst

Welcome, future financial whiz! You stand at the crossroads of possibility, and one question nags at you: Is becoming a Financial Analyst your true calling? Whether your Inner GPS has landed you here or you are keen on exploring the possibilities of becoming a Financial Analyst, I assure you are at the best platform.  It is a question that many of you grapple with as you begin your journey into the professional world. Starting a career as a financial analyst ...

Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Analysis for Dummies: The Complete Guide

So you want to get into a career in financial modeling? and want to learn Financial Analysis for Dummies? Well, just like the other disciplines, you need to start with the basics. This guide will help you build a good foundation before you study complex financial valuations or models. To better help you out, we have an Excel file named “Excel Counterpart –Basic Finance”. This excel file, along with this guide, will help you navigate your way through the basics ...

Financial Model for Startup

Startup Financial Model Template Excel: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Though a general financial model for a startup template is an easy way to create a financial model, you will oftentimes find it hard to use that for your own business. Why? Because all startup financial models like the SAAS Financial Model have their own unique needs. For example, an internet venture relies heavily on web traffic whereas a physical store is more on foot traffic. startup financial models. The solution? Well, you need to create your own startup financial ...

Guide to Financial Analyst Certifications

The Complete Guide to Financial Analyst Certification

What type of financial analyst certification do you want to go for in this financial services industry? Is it the CFP, CFA, CFS, CIMA, or the CLU? Are you having trouble swimming through this sea of letters and acronyms? If so, don’t worry because you are not alone. It’s not always easy to make your way through the best financial professions and their certifications, especially if you’re a beginner. This is the reason why I wrote this piece in the ...

Financial Planning Career

What Is Financial Advisor Career Path? The Best Guide

Want to know more about the financial advisor career path? Read this guide completely to know about how to become a financial advisor. Last Monday, I visited my insurance company office to inquire about insurance products that suit my needs. There, I met a senior financial advisor, who gave his valuable time and made me realize the importance of the financial advisory business. Financial Advisor Career Path In the meeting, he ran me through my financial responsibilities, financial needs and ...

Financial Writer

How to Become a Successful Financial Writer?

Every human on Earth has one common connect – money. Possessing money isn’t enough. It is necessary to make smart decisions and grow money. A lot of questions on financial investment products arise and lack of adequate knowledge sharing confuses people. This knowledge-gap is an opportunity for you to become a successful financial writer. The responsibility of a financial writer is to bridge the knowledge gap by creating informative and engaging content for the masses. The financial writer associated with ...

Financial Modeling The Definitive Guide

How to Build Financial Models | A Complete Guide

What is financial modeling?” “Do you teach discounted cash flow modeling?” “Can you give me a sample financial model that I can fill with numbers and present in the interview?” “How to build financial models?” “How to get into financial modeling careers?” “How to build discounted cash flow analysis models?” I’m constantly bombarded with questions about best practices. And, the funny thing is—when I ask the person, “what is financial modeling?”, that person doesn’t have any clue. So, I thought ...