
Careers in Finance – All You Need to Know to Get Started

Finance Careers – All You Need to Know to Get Started

Are the finance careers you always see so pleasurably advertised the right path for you? In case you have been asking yourself this question for quite a while now and haven’t been able to find a suitable answer, there’s no need to worry. This piece is here to detail all you need to know. Read through and see which types of careers in financial analysis there are, what are the top jobs in this field, finance internships, and which kind ...

Get into Investor Relations Profile

Investor Relations Career: The Best Guide

The National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) defines Investor Relations (IR) as: “the responsibility to ensure the development and continuance of two-way communication between a company and its stakeholders (investors). It is a strategic management profile where a person needs to possess communication, finance, marketing and security laws knowledge to manage investor relations. It is an “art and science of positioning and communicating a company’s story and investment proposition to its investors” Investor Relations Career Ever since the Sarbanes – Oxley ...

Financial Engineering Career Guide

Financial Engineering Career Guide: Programs, Jobs & Salary

A multidisciplinary field, Financial Engineering uses computational and mathematical finance knowledge to determine the potential and risks of a financial investment instrument. FinanceWalk presents a detailed Financial Engineering career guide to finance aspirants. What is Financial Engineering? The Norman and Adele Barron Professor of Management at Boston University, Zvi Bodie, defined Financial Engineering as: “the application of science-based mathematical models to decisions about saving, investing, borrowing, lending, and  managing risk” The field of Financial Engineering is regulated by the International ...

Guide for Finance Internships

The Ultimate Finance Internships India Guide

An internship is a wonderful way to get acquainted with the industry you’re going to work for after graduation. In this guide, I am going to cover and share a complete resource to find and apply for finance internships in India. You’ll be learning the following modules: Let’s begin. What is an Internship? An internship is a short-term position in a company, typically taken to ‘test waters’, as in a student is able to judge his/her suitability in the chosen ...

Finance Vs. Consulting Career

Finance Vs Consulting Career: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we are going to cover the details of how to establish a career in finance vs consulting. We will also cover what are the professional degrees one should have and what are the future prospects as well as earning potential of both the careers. One thing is for sure that whatever field you choose, there will be no looking back since both the fields have real potential to earn a handful and make a successful career out ...

Guide to Financial Analyst Certifications

The Complete Guide to Financial Analyst Certification

What type of financial analyst certification do you want to go for in this financial services industry? Is it the CFP, CFA, CFS, CIMA, or the CLU? Are you having trouble swimming through this sea of letters and acronyms? If so, don’t worry because you are not alone. It’s not always easy to make your way through the best financial professions and their certifications, especially if you’re a beginner. This is the reason why I wrote this piece in the ...

Financial Planning Career

What Is Financial Advisor Career Path? The Best Guide

Want to know more about the financial advisor career path? Read this guide completely to know about how to become a financial advisor. Last Monday, I visited my insurance company office to inquire about insurance products that suit my needs. There, I met a senior financial advisor, who gave his valuable time and made me realize the importance of the financial advisory business. Financial Advisor Career Path In the meeting, he ran me through my financial responsibilities, financial needs and ...

A Beginner's Guide to KPO Jobs in India

KPO Jobs: A Complete Guide to Help You Move Ahead

Though I’m in financial education space for the last 15 years, I continuously search for new things that I can share with FinanceWalk readers like this KPO Jobs guide. I get a lot of inquiries from graduates and post-graduates about making a career in financial KPOs. So, today I decided to write a post on it. Here are my experiences and observation of KPO careers and jobs in India. Difference KPO means Knowledge Process Outsourcing, by nature, is suitable for ...

The Ultimate Guide for Entry Level Financial Analyst - Salary, Resume, and Jobs

Entry Level Financial Analyst Job Description: A Short Guide

After reading my last article, financial analyst job description, many readers got in touch with me through email. After discussing with them, I think many of you want to know the criteria for entry-level financial analyst jobs, salary, and resume and how to find these jobs. I’ve done in-depth research on this topic, and you will find this article useful if you’re looking for an entry level financial analyst job description. So, here we go. Entry level Financial Analyst Job ...