How to Get Into Private Equity: The Best Actionable Guide 


How to Get Into Private Equity

After much effort to find the proper guidance on how to get into private equity, you landed here?

Your efforts would be well-spent, as your arrival on this page is not just a coincidence.

When you explore how to get into private equity in this guide, you will discover that your Inner GPS has brought you here.

As a beginner, whether you are a student or a professional transiting into private equity, this guide can prove a Messiah to bring clarity to all your mental clutters and confusion regarding private equity.

The appeal of well-paying job offers, impressive job titles, big projects, and the chance to influence worldwide businesses is attractive.

But how do you enter the prestigious and highly competitive private equity industry?

In this comprehensive guide, you will get clarity on two things:

  • The steps on how to get into private equity, and

  • The action plan to succeed in private equity career

After reading this guide on private equity, I assure you that you will land on a new destination of taking action in the right direction.

Excited? Let’s start.

Best Action Steps to Break Into Private Equity Firm

How to Get Into Private Equity

I must tell you that the way to get into private equity is not a linear one. It is, in reality, a roller coaster ride with multiple adventures in your journey ahead. 

Still getting a briefing in simple, easy steps makes climbing Mount Everest much more accessible and achievable. 

Private equity is much easier than climbing the highest summit in the world. And I know you will succeed once you begin implementing the actions. 

Here are 10 quick “Action Steps” to get into private equity: 

Step 1. Education and background

Obtain a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field like finance or business. Consider pursuing a master’s degree from a top business school for added advantage.

Step 2. Build a strong foundation

Develop a solid grasp of finance, accounting, and valuation techniques to effectively analyze investment opportunities.

Step 3. Work experience

Begin your investment banking, consulting, or corporate finance career to gain valuable financial analysis and deal-making experience.

Step 4. Develop analytical skills

Hone quantitative and analytical abilities crucial for financial modeling, due diligence, and risk assessment in private equity.

Step 5. Network

Attend industry events, utilize platforms like LinkedIn, and build connections to create opportunities within the private equity sphere.

Step 6. Target firms

Identify and research private equity firms aligned with your career aspirations, focusing on your preferred specialization.

Step 7. Apply for jobs

Seek entry-level positions like analyst or associate roles in private equity firms or relevant roles in portfolio companies.

Step 8. Ace the interviews

Prepare meticulously for demanding private equity interviews, including technical, case study, and behavioral assessments.

Step 9. Demonstrate value

Highlight your financial analysis, due diligence, and value-adding skills during interviews to showcase your potential contributions.

Step 10. Continued learning and growth

Once established, continually expand your skills, stay updated on industry trends, and seek mentorship from senior professionals within your firm.

Hope you got some insights into the action steps by now. For detailed guidance, read the following segments attentively. 

The Private Equity Landscape-An Overview

Private Equity Career

Choosing a career is a big decision, and especially when it is private equity, you cannot blindly follow the patterns and buzz of the world. 

Before you invest your valuable time, money, and energy, I suggest you thoroughly study the private equity career path

Let’s have a glance at the basics of private equity to have a better understanding of the pathway ahead. 

What is private equity? 

Private equity is an investment where capital is provided to privately held companies or assets, typically to acquire, restructure, or grow these entities and eventually realize profits through various exit strategies such as sales or public offerings.

The private equity industry is a complex and dynamic world characterized by private equity firms specializing in investing in private companies and fostering their growth to generate investment returns.

One such private equity firm:

  • Provides capital for private equity investment in public companies’ mega funds

  • The funds are not publicly traded 

  • They get into private ones with the original investment 

  • Their ultimate objective is realizing a gain through the sale or divestment of private companies.

As a private equity associate, you’ll:

  • Assist clients in assessing and acquiring businesses that align with their investment objectives.

  • Collaborate with investment banks to identify prospective investors.

  • Source new business deals.

  • Undertake market research.

Why is private equity considered a lucrative career path?

As you study more about the private equity industry, you will notice that this industry is diverse, with various firms ranging from large, well-established entities managing billions of dollars to smaller, niche players focusing on specific industries, new businesses, or regions.

Most private equity firms, pension funds, institutional investors, investment banks, and other investment companies are among the investing organizations in the private equity industry.

According to a forecast, the private equity market is expected to experience robust growth, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) exceeding 10% from 2023 to 2028. Notably, in 2021, the global buyout value reached an impressive USD 1,120 million, indicating a solid foundation for this anticipated expansion.

Private Equity Market Size

The growing private equity industry offers opportunities to grow professionally and contribute to the private equity world.

Which types of private equity are most popular among investors?

Private equity involves investing in privately held companies to acquire ownership and generate returns through various exit strategies. Common private equity types include:

Types of Private Equity

SLNoTypesArea of Operation
1.Venture capital (VC)Investing in startups with high growth potential.
2.Buyout/private equity (PE)Acquiring established companies to enhance growth and profitability.
3.Mezzanine capitalProviding a mix of debt and equity to support growth or buyouts.
4.Distressed private equityTurning around financially troubled companies.
5.Secondary private equityBuying/selling existing private equity investments.
6.Real estate private equityInvesting in real estate for rental income and appreciation.
7.Infrastructure private equityInvesting in essential infrastructure assets.
8.Fund of funds (FoF)Investing in multiple private equity funds for diversification.
9.Angel investingIndividuals funding startups for equity.
10.Impact/private equityGenerating financial returns and positive impact.

Why Choose a Career in Private Equity?

Career choice is an individual decision, and it is solely based on your Inner GPS

Whether you decide to become a “Private Equity Professional,” or a “Musician,” or a “Rocket Scientist,” you will become what you are destined for. 

Suppose you are keen on knowing your career path based on your Inner GPS, then you can learn that through our Inner GPS Career Coaching

Inner GPS Coaching will help you clarify whether getting into Private Equity is the right career move for you or something else is calling you? 

Understanding your career choice, you can explore how private equity offers several benefits and poses challenges that let you grow and evolve. 

You can contemplate the following reasons for choosing private equity as your career path:

  • You get a unique opportunity to work closely with companies, helping them grow and succeed.
  •  You’ll make strategic investment decisions, conduct thorough analyses, and contribute to the expansion of various businesses.
  • You will be exposed to a dynamic and challenging environment that allows you to learn about diverse industries and develop valuable finance, strategy, and negotiation skills.
  • If you’re passionate about driving innovation and maximizing the potential of companies, a career in Private Equity could be the perfect fit for you.

Now, let’s discover how private equity will add value to your life through ingrained benefits and unavoidable challenges that will either make or break you! 

Benefits of a private equity career

1.High compensation potentialAs a senior private equity professional, you can earn substantial compensation through salaries, bonuses, and profits from successful investments.
2.Skill diversityYou can develop valuable skills through private equity roles like financial analysis, negotiation, and portfolio management.
3.Strategic influenceYou will shape portfolio companies’ direction, making critical decisions and implementing value-creation strategies.
4.Entrepreneurial exposureYou may work with startups and established firms that offer insights into the entrepreneurial side of business.
5.Global opportunitiesThe global nature of private equity exposes you to diverse industries and countries.

Challenges of a private equity career

1.Intense competitionLimited positions require a strong background, experience, and a broad professional network.
2.Long working hoursDeal phases will demand long hours, impacting your work-life balance.Risk and uncertainty: Investments carry inherent risks, and not all yields will yield positive returns.
3.Risk and uncertaintyInvestments carry inherent risks, and not all yields will yield positive returns.
4.Performance pressureYou, as a professional, must continually identify and execute profitable investments, leading to a fast-paced, stressful environment.
5.Ethical considerationsYou may find it challenging to balance financial goals with ethical concerns in decision-making.
6. Exit complexityExiting investments, especially during downturns, can be intricate and affect your overall returns.

Pathways to Enter Private Equity Firms

Pathways to Enter Private Equity Firms

I am often asked this question: 

“Is it hard to get into private equity”?

My straightforward response is that private equity is hard for you when you are not prepared. It is challenging yet rewarding when you are prepared to create a career in private equity. 

Creating a career in private equity is a big game altogether. If your Inner GPS is aligned towards Private Equity, then you are undauntable! 

Trust me, I always say to my students and clients that it’s not the scope of the career. It’s the scope in “YOU,” the individual who creates a great career in any field, and private equity is no exception.  

Breaking into private equity can be achieved through various pathways, such as:

  • Entry-level positions

  • Transitioning from related fields

  • Pursuing advanced degrees. 

Each pathway requires different approaches and strategies to enter the private equity world.

Direct entry paths

Entry-level position: Entry-level positions, such as analyst roles, are a common starting point for aspiring private equity professionals. These roles often require a solid educational background, relevant experience, and exceptional leadership skills.

Gaining finance and sales experience through internships or sales jobs while in business school can be advantageous for securing an entry-level analyst role in private equity.

Additionally, internships are crucial for acquiring finance expertise and improving the likelihood of obtaining a full-time analyst position.

Career transition paths

Suppose you are an engineer or a finance professional from a different field and want to become a private equity analyst. In that case, what I am asked most of the time is: 

1. What transferable skills from my current job can make me an attractive candidate for private equity firms? 

Transferable skills include financial modeling, valuation, due diligence, research, negotiation, communication, and project management. Emphasize your ability to analyze data, assess risk, make strategic recommendations, and work effectively in team environments.

2. Is there an ideal number of years of experience in my current field before attempting to switch to private equity? 

There’s no fixed ideal number of years, which varies based on individual circumstances. However, having a solid foundation in your current field, typically around 2 to 5 years of experience, can provide you with the skills and insights needed for a successful transition. This experience demonstrates your ability to contribute valuable insights and manage responsibilities effectively.

Transitioning from related fields

Individuals with experience in related fields like investment banking, consulting, or engineering can transition to private equity by leveraging their skills and expertise. Investment bankers, for instance, can use their background to secure a job in private equity.

The most effective course of action for an individual with an engineering background is to first secure a job in investment banking or management consulting, followed by an MBA or a master’s degree in finance.

A solid professional background in these fields is preferred by private equity firms, as it reduces the likelihood of costly errors due to inexperience.

Pursuing advanced degrees

Is an MBA necessary to enter the private equity field, or are there alternative paths?
Advanced degrees, such as an MBA or a master’s in finance, can enhance your qualifications for private equity roles. These degrees can help you develop a more comprehensive understanding of the financial markets and provide access to a network of industry professionals.
However, it is essential to note that having an advanced degree does not guarantee success in private equity, as the job market for these roles is highly competitive.

Prerequisites for a Private Equity Career

To enter private equity, you need a solid educational base, experience, and certifications. A degree in finance, accounting, statistics, or economics is essential.

Relevant backgrounds, like investment banking or management consulting, are preferred as most private equity associates originate from these areas.

Educational background

A solid educational foundation is essential for a career in private equity.

What qualifications are typically required to enter the private equity industry?

Attending a renowned university’s top business school and obtaining excellent academic performance in a relevant field, such as finance, accounting, or economics, will provide you with the knowledge and credibility required to enter this competitive industry.

Are there specific degrees or majors that are preferred by private equity firms?

While having specialized industry expertise can be beneficial, it is essential to remember that the foundation of your private equity investment bank career starts with a vital education in finance and related fields.

How can I prepare myself during college to increase my chances of breaking into private equity?

To increase your chances of breaking into private equity, focus on acquiring a strong foundation in finance and business

Professional experience

Professional experience in an investment banking role, consulting, or other related fields is often utilized as a stepping stone to get into private equity training or- even private equity recruiting. 

To pursue a career in private equity, it is generally necessary to possess at least 2 years of experience as an investment banking analyst, with expertise in transactions and financial modeling being highly regarded.

Major firms prefer to hire individuals with experience in these fields due to the high responsibility associated with working in private equity, which reduces the likelihood of costly errors due to inexperience.

What internships or experiences should I seek to enhance my private equity candidacy?

Seek internships or experiences that provide exposure to financial analysis, deal sourcing, due diligence, and portfolio management within the finance or investment sector to enhance your private equity candidacy.

Certifications and licenses

Enhance your employability and credibility in private equity by obtaining relevant certifications and licenses. 

Certifications that can strengthen your qualifications for private equity roles are: 

These certifications and licenses are issued by professional bodies or government agencies and often involve an entire process of passing examinations and fulfilling other specific requirements that I am sure you will be able to meet. 

Let’s look at how essential your skills are to make a mark in private equity! 

Essential Skills for Private Equity Success

To excel in private equity, you must possess unique skills that are vital in:

  • Assessing potential investments, 

  • Monitoring portfolio companies, and

  • Connecting with industry professionals to identify opportunities and build relationships. 

Some of the skills are: 

1. Financial analysis

Financial analysis is a crucial skill for you as a private equity professional, as it enables you to:

  • Evaluate potential investments

  • Monitor the performance of portfolio companies

  • Understand financial statements

  • Assess financial performance

  • Predict future performance

A solid grasp of financial analysis will allow you to make informed decisions and devise long-term plans for the businesses you invest in. 

The core of financial analysis is the ability to analyze financial statements, assess profitability, liquidity, and solvency, and pinpoint areas for improvement or potential risks.

Proficiency in these areas will enable you to effectively evaluate investment opportunities and manage your portfolio, ensuring you generate maximum returns for your clients and your firm.

2. Modeling

How necessary is financial modeling knowledge for getting into private equity?

Proficiency in financial modeling is essential for analyzing investment opportunities and creating Leveraged Buyout Models (LBO) in private equity. Modeling involves constructing financial models to evaluate potential investments and measure their risks.

As a private equity professional, financial modeling skill is essential to enable you to make informed investment decisions and manage your portfolios effectively.

Exploring the Private Equity Job Market

Private Equity Job Market

Given the competitive nature of the industry, you may need help to explore the private equity job market.

What qualities do private equity firms look for in candidates beyond technical skills and experience?

Beyond technical skills and experience, private equity firms seek candidates with strong analytical abilities, deal-making skills, strategic thinking, leadership qualities, and practical communication skills. 

They also value an entrepreneurial mindset, market knowledge, network-building abilities, and resilience to handle high-pressure situations. Ethical conduct and adaptability are essential traits as well.

Your expert skills, your X-factor, your USP. 

Ask yourself: 

  • Why should big companies hire you? 
  • What exclusivity do you bring to the table as a private equity professional? 

These perspectives will ground you to have a learner attitude to improve and work on your limitations. 

My Success Secret for You: 

  • Nobody is perfect and no one is looking for perfectionism. What recruiters are looking for in you is your exclusivity of surprising them with your innovative ideas and willingness to learn and grow. 
  • The secret is that, skills can be developed. Still, the attitude to display your work qualities matters the most to the recruiters. 

I have observed many achievers fail dramatically from their success ladder because they need to learn and grow their learning curve. 

Suppose you don’t want to get lost in oblivion. In that case, it is high time you recognize your talent and qualities and hone them to make yourself a market fit, especially regarding private equity. 

Networking strategies

How can networking play a role in helping students secure positions in private equity?

Networking is pivotal for entering private equity and cultivating industry connections. Engage with professionals, join events, and leverage online tools to expand your network and boost visibility.

How can I build a strong network within the private equity industry?

Your practical approaches could be:

  1. Engage in industry events: Attend gatherings to connect with professionals. This exposes you to potential employers and peers.

  2. Conduct informational interviews: Chat with experts in private equity. Gain insights and expand your connections.

  3. Utilize LinkedIn: Register on LinkedIn to locate relevant private equity alumni. Strengthen your network.

By employing these methods, you can strategically build a network, boosting your entry into top private equity firms. Also, tailor your conversations to your contact’s private equity interests for more impactful interactions. This enhances your likelihood of success.

Utilizing headhunters and recruiters

Headhunters and private equity recruiters play a significant role in the private equity job market, as they act as external recruiting and HR for private equity firms, filtering and sourcing suitable candidates for private equity interviews.

Suppose you are contacted by a headhunter for a private equity role. 

In that case, taking advantage of the opportunity is highly recommended. 

However, it is essential to note that the on-cycle recruiting and hiring process and interview process in private equity are heavily influenced by private equity headhunters, who often employ a narrow approach when selecting and recommending candidates.

Targeting smaller firms and niche markets

Focusing on smaller firms and niche markets can be a strategic approach to breaking into private equity, as it allows you to distinguish yourself from the competition and increase the chances of being hired. 

Some strategies that can help you target smaller firms and niche markets include:

  • Conducting market research

  • Networking with industry professionals

  • Utilizing online resources

  • Attending industry events

By implementing these strategies, you can position PE firms and yourself as valuable assets in the private equity industry.

Additionally, being patient and consistent in your efforts, as well as focusing on building relationships and being open to new ideas and opportunities, will benefit you in securing a job in private equity.

Mastering Private Equity Interviews

Private equity interviews can be a daunting experience, but with proper preparation, you can increase your chances of success. 

Common interview questions may include your experience, skills, and qualifications. You should be prepared.

Common interview questions

During private equity interviews, you can expect questions related to the following:

  • Financial analysis

  • Networking

  • Valuation techniques

  • Financial statement analysis

  • Financial modeling

Preparing for these questions and demonstrating your knowledge and expertise in these areas is essential to secure a private equity job.

Here are the top 5 most asked private equity interview questions:

1. Walk me through a leveraged buyout (LBO) analysis.

Purpose: To assess your understanding of the critical components of an LBO, such as debt financing, valuations, and exit strategies.

2. How do you evaluate the risk and return of an investment opportunity in private equity?

Purpose: To test your ability to analyze and weigh the potential risks and rewards associated with private equity investments.

3. Can you explain the concept of the “J-Curve” in private equity?

Purpose: To assess your knowledge of the typical cash flow patterns in private equity investments and the time it takes for returns to materialize.

4. What are some standard methods for valuing a company in the context of a private equity deal?

Purpose: To evaluate your familiarity with various valuation techniques like discounted cash flow (DCF), comparable company analysis (CCA), and precedent transactions.

5. How do you conduct due diligence on a target company in a private equity transaction?

Purpose: To gauge your ability to research and analyze a potential investment’s financial, operational, and legal aspects.

Case Study Exercises

Can you provide insights into the case study and technical aspects of private equity interviews?

Case study exercises are often used during private equity interviews to assess candidates’ ability to:

  • Analyze potential investments

  • Create leveraged buyout models

  • Analyze financial statements

  • Conduct market research

  • Evaluate investment opportunities

  • Create financial models to evaluate the potential returns of a leveraged buyout

Being proficient in these exercises will showcase your analytical capabilities, financial knowledge, and ability to make prudent investment decisions.

Tips for Interview Success

To succeed in private equity interviews:

  • You must possess strong credentials, excellent networking, and compelling interview skills.

  • Practice answering common interview questions and case study exercises

  • Build your professional network and connections within the growth equity industry.

Additionally, it is crucial to demonstrate your passion for private equity and commitment to the field to set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of securing a job.

What are some common mistakes to avoid during the private equity application and interview process?

You can avoid the following common mistakes during the private equity application and interview process: 

  • Inadequate research on the firm

  • Lack of preparation for technical questions, and

  • Failing to effectively articulate your relevant skills and experiences

Having understood the fundamental requirements to get into private equity, let’s find out what opportunities it offers you in roles and responsibilities. 

The Private Equity Career Path

Private Equity Associate Career Path Payscale

Source: Payscale

A successful career in private equity typically follows a defined path, starting with analyst or senior associate roles and progressing to senior positions and partnership opportunities. 

In this section, you will learn about the different stages of the private equity career path and get answers to your questions.

Analyst and Associate roles

Analysts and senior associates in private equity are responsible for various tasks, such as financial analysis and modeling, assisting in due diligence, financial analysis, and market research.

What entry-level positions are commonly available for recent graduates looking to enter private equity?

The above entry-level roles often require long hours and intense workloads. Still, they provide a strong foundation for a career in private equity.

As you gain experience and expertise, you may progress to more senior roles within the firm.

Senior positions and partnership opportunities

Senior positions in a private equity firm, such as Senior Managing Partner, COO, and CEO, involve overseeing the firm’s operations, generating funding, managing deal flow, and portfolio management.

Partners in private equity firms are also senior officials who have a stake in the firm’s success and are responsible for:

  • Deal sourcing

  • Evaluating investment opportunities

  • Managing relationships with investors 

  • Driving the firm’s growth and profitability

These roles offer significant financial rewards and the opportunity to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of businesses worldwide.

Exit strategies and alternative career paths

As a private equity professional, you may eventually consider exit strategies and alternative career paths. These alternative investments, PE careers, may include:

  • Transitioning to a different role within the firm, 

  • Transitioning from a PE firm to another industry or 

  • Leaving the firm altogether.

Some possible alternative career paths include:

  • Taking on a corporate development or strategy role at a portfolio company

  • Asset management

  • Business development

  • Consulting

  • Corporate finance

  • FinTech

  • Hedge funds

Finally, you came to the segment that means the most for you as a professional – How to make money in private equity? 

Let’s explore. 

Salary and Compensation Structure

Achieving a balance between compensation and work-life in private equity can be challenging, given the demanding nature of the industry.

Private equity professionals are usually compensated in three ways:

  1. Basic salary: This is the base pay for their services.

  2. Bonuses: These are contingent on performance.

  3. Carried interest constitutes a share of the profits upon successfully completing their investments.

These forms of remuneration can be beautiful for high-profile professionals.

As a beginner, here is the fact: “In the United States, Private Equity Associates typically earn an annual total pay of $175,287, with an average base salary of $112,918”.

Private Equity Associate Salary Glassdoor June 2023

Source: Glassdoor

This compensation structure can be highly lucrative, making private equity an attractive career choice for finance professionals.

Balancing Work-Life in Private Equity

What are some common challenges faced by professionals moving into private equity, and how can I overcome them?

Professionals transitioning into private equity often encounter challenges like maintaining a work-life balance due to rigorous hours and pressure. 

You will also not be spared from the “stress” of a private equity career. 

While the workload might be less than investment banking, it’s more mentally taxing. For sustained success, you learn to balance a personal and professional life, or else you may feel like a “Zombie,” a lifeless creature in the middle of nowhere. 

I suggest you learn the fundamental secrets to tackle these challenges:

  1. Prioritize self-care: Allocate relaxation, exercise, and mindfulness time to alleviate stress and enhance well-being.

  2. Set realistic goals: Establish achievable objectives to avoid becoming overwhelmed and maintain a sense of accomplishment.

  3. Take regular breaks: Incorporate short breaks to recharge your mind and prevent burnout.

  4. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing and meditation can help manage stress effectively.

Focusing on self-care can ensure your mental and physical health thrives throughout your private equity career.

Frequently Asked Questions – How to Get into Private Equity

Is private equity challenging to get into?

Yes, private equity is generally challenging to get into. The industry often seeks candidates like you with solid financial backgrounds, relevant work experience, and exceptional analytical skills. Competition for positions can be intense due to the lucrative nature of the field and the limited number of available roles.

Does private equity pay well?

As a private equity associate, you can expect a base salary of $135k to $155k and bonuses of 100% to 150% of the base salary, depending on fund performance. Therefore, the private equity associate really does pay well.

Can you go directly into private equity?

Entering private equity with banking experience is possible, so getting an internship or gaining related expertise is better. 

Junior associates and analysts are typically the starting point on cycle recruiting when entering private equity.

My Exclusive Insights for You – Is Private Equity Right for Me? 

Through this actionable guide, private equity must have triggered your nerves toward the most dynamic aspect of a career in finance. 

  • By following the strategies, action plans, and advice outlined in this guide, you can navigate the private equity landscape, break into the industry, and achieve long-term success in your career.

  • Private equity offers you a few years and many opportunities if you are willing to put in the effort and dedication required to succeed.

Hope you find this actionable guide on private equity meaningful to gear you towards some practical steps. 

Suppose you need specific guidance on- Whether the private equity career path is for you? You can explore Inner GPS Career Coaching to have absolute clarity on your career path based on your Inner GPS. 

Once you get clarity, you can confidently invest and explore the private equity world. 

Keep investing in yourself; it’s the best return on investment. 

All the best! 


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